Domestic Abuse Keeps Some Immigrants “in the Shadows”
June 17, 2021
Domestic violence is often considered an equal opportunity crime, cutting across economic, racial and ethnic lines. But the stakes are higher for undocumented Hispanic victims, who may...
When it comes to helping Hispanic immigrants, there’s no place in Memphis that can do what CasaLuz does. CasaLuz is the only organization that culturally and exclusively...
Founder and Executive Director of CasaLuz Ines Negrette featured on Bluff City Life
October 2, 2019
Hispanic Heritage Month Honoree. A woman who is a guiding light for those struggling to escape domestic violence. Since 2016 she has provided hope and resources for...
Woman works as an advocate with Memphis' Hispanic community on legal cases
September 18, 2019
This month, WMC Action News 5 is partnering with La Prensa Latina to bring stories of people in the Mid-South’s Hispanic community for Hispanic Heritage Month. Ines...