Irene’s Story

Irene is a young woman who saw CasaLuz’s ad in the Spanish newspaper and reached out for help. She came to the US just a few months earlier, escaping a violent relationship with the father of her 8-year-old daughter, who was born when Irene was just fifteen years old. Irene’s former partner came to the US looking for her. As soon as he found her, he hit and tried to strangle her. Irene was afraid to call the police because she feared deportation and because of a traumatic experience that happened in her home country when she called the police.

Once she contacted CasaLuz, she was assisted by our advocate to file a police report and an order of protection. Irene’s ex-partner had subjected her to verbal, emotional, financial, sexual, and physical abuse, illegal restriction, and coercion regarding her reproductive rights. CasaLuz referred Irene to weekly support groups and individual counseling sessions, connected her to counseling services for her children, followed through with the criminal case against her abuser, and helped her access social services. Irene and her children were very traumatized by the abuse they experienced.

Irene was referred to CasaLuz’s civil legal partner to represent her at the order of protection court hearing and CasaLuz’s Immigration legal partner for immigration assistance. Since working with CasaLuz and meeting other women who are survivors of domestic abuse, Irene has become more confident and determined to live free of domestic violence.